I am very grateful that you are taking the time to read these words. Your curiosity to consider stepping in your healing adventure is truly inspiring, and I would be honored to get to know each other. On a personal note, let me share with you what makes my heart sing. 

I am passionate about holding space for others, connecting with Mother Earth and her bounty, and living in “wonder” as a playful child.

I am passionate about visualizing the possible and creating sacred spaces with colors, images, and ideas with no limits. Flowers, crystals and stones are some of my sacred healing allies.

I am passionate about courageously learning how to BE, without judgement and lovingly accepting my gifts and imperfections.

Last, but not least, I am passionate about co-creating with Spirit and being in service to and surrendering to the Divine plan.

My life now is very different from what it was 25, 10, 5 years, or even a few months ago. In my 20’s I studied Economics and Corporate Finance in Madrid and London, and traveled widely. I built a successful professional career as a civil servant in the Spanish Government and in the private sector. Twenty years ago life brought me to the US to experience areas of myself that required inner healing and transformation. I was in search of meaning, peace and self-expression, and I longed to rewrite my life story. Along the way, I have had many great teachers who have helped me, particularly my first mentor, Patrick Connor, at Sharmada Foundation, who continues to share with me his wisdom and unconditional love for humanity.

Through my healing arts training and love for beauty, I discovered ancient talents and passions I never knew existed. I started to shift from a life obsessed with work and financial achievements, validation seeking, and meekness to a life where I now understood how to become aware of and heal unhealthy mental, emotional and physical patterns. I longed to BE grounded and express my gifts fearlessly, for the highest of all. Life has become a school where learning with Spirit is real and empowering.

I encourage you, with all my heart, to embark on your own healing adventure and experience the Beauty, Harmony, and Magic of bringing your own sacred gifts into the world. I look forward to being a part of your journey.

My name is Belen Cristino...


-Joseph Campbell

“Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls”

AMBA, Garden of Love, is a sacred container to heal yourself and transform your life. 

I have always had the vision to create an energetic sacred garden, an inspiring refuge to embrace others in their healing journey. Your state of mind influences your physical wellbeing and living surroundings, and, in turn, your external world affects your feelings and emotions. Your soulful healing journey crosses both these inner and outer universes.

When you enter AMBA,

- you will feel held in a space where there is no judgment 
- you will feel inspired to examine your belief system with commitment and patience for yourself and your process
- you will find the courage to bring change into aspects of your life that may have previously seemed unchangeable
- you will appreciate how beauty and harmony in your home and surroundings can support your inner healing 
- you will learn techniques to expand your clarity and stillness
- you will simplify your life and prioritize what matters most to you
- you will learn to manage your mental, emotional and physical energy and feel more alive
- you will start expressing yourself and your gifts in playful and fearless ways
- you will learn to live from INtention and INtuition.
- you will feel empowered to heal yourself by your own merits


The story of

 “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult”

Let me walk with you....

 - Seneca